
Thursday 28 May 2015

Top tips for taming the dreaded frizz

Hey everyone,
So at this time of year, the sun finally seems to be reaching England... and honestly... my hair can tell. It's like my hair has spidey senses or something, that at the slightest bit of humidity it frizzes up and I end up looking like a glorified Albert Einstein. Not the 'beach waves' that I've been going for in all honesty. And I'm sure that many of you surely must face the same problems!
So, in light of all of this, I've devised some simple home remedies to turn you from Dianna Ross to Kim Kardashian... Lets get started!

Tip #1 - Don't shampoo your hair more than every other day. I know some of you may absolutely dread dropping the shampoo bottle, and although it is super yummy smelling and supposedly great for your hair... it can lead to dryness and that just is not what we want for our hair. You can still shower daily just avoid using shampoo or getting your hair wet every other day.

Tip #2 - Get your split ends trimmed. Getting a proper haircut can avoid that raggedy look at the end of your hair and also prevents dry and damaged looking hair. Avoid getting a layered cut, as although it emphasises curls, it takes the weight off and can lead to puffiness. Try to go for a long and straight cut so the weight of the hair can reduce that dreaded frizz

Tip #3 - Use a leave in conditioner or after shower serum. I mean... I was pretty sceptical about these too! "Wont they leave my hair feeling greasy?". NO! They leave my hair feeling smooth and soft without fuzz.

Tip #4 - Dry hair the gentle way and only brush it when wet. I know, it's hard to give up the hair dryer, but it's best. Drop it, in the name of smooth hair! You should also avoid tousling your hair when you dry it as this can cause knottiness and tangling and damaged hair. Both hair dryers and rough towelling can cause friction which causes broken hair that flies up! Why not get yourself one of those towel wraps. I use it and I love it. When combing hair, only do it when it is wet and do it with a wide tooth comb or paddle brush. This once again prevents breakages and leads to smooth and soft hair. 

Tip #5 - Sleep  with hair tied up or back. This may seem like a strange one but I really have noticed that it makes a big difference. Sleeping with hair up prevents the tangling that occurs when you toss your head around at night which leads to frizz and fluff the next morning. I usually plait it back if I want a wavy style or put it up in a loose bun on top of my head if I want to maintain my natural style.

Tip #6 - Hair mousse. This is my last secret little tip and is honestly what I swear by. Even if after all that my hair isn't as smooth as I would like it to be, I take a spray bottle of water to dampen my dry hair and put in a little bit of mousse. If you're struggling to use it there is a brilliant wikihow article you can check out by clicking here. At the moment I am utterly obsessed with the Pantene defined curls mousse which you can pick up in any superdrug and I'm pretty sure any boots too!

I hope all of these little tips and tricks can help you guys to tame the frizz just like I did... if not... I suppose it's time to bust out the straighteners.


Talk to you later
- A

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