
Sunday 31 May 2015

ECOTOOLS eye enhancing duo set review


Hey everyone ,
I'll try and keep this blog post super short, considering that I have work in the morning and I am exhausted... Oh the joys.
So today I had a £10 voucher in my pocket for Superdrug that was burning a hole in my pocket, I knew that I wanted new eye make-up brushes and I was planning to go out and grab some Real Techniques ones. Unfortunately, the Superdrug that I was in didn't have any Real Techniques brushes. This obviously left me gutted and I had to settle for the ECOTOOLS ones, not that I love ECOTOOLS any less, in my opinion the brushes are of only a very slightly lower quality, but the theoretical eco-credits I mentally gain from owning them makes up for it... haha
I picked up the Eye enhancing duo set, at first I was confused that there were only two brushes in the packet, but then I looked down and saw that both of the brushes had another set of bristles on the end of them.
Now this may seem like a massive convenience, and it is, but I'll get onto that later. I didn't realise when I had brought them that there was one massive drawback to this 'convenient' system... I like to store my brushes in MUJI (clear plastic) casing and since the brushes are double sided, this is difficult to do. You cannot stand the brushes up as it will damage the bristles on one end. However, this isn't a huge problem if you don't stand your brushes up. And if you do, keeping them in the little bag that they came in will help, as the bottom of the bag takes the brunt of the crushing.
But now onto the positives... and whoa, there are a lot. The first and most obvious thing is that by having brush bristles on both ends, they save a lot of space to store, this makes them far easier to travel with as an extra added bonus. The brush bristles are also insanely soft which makes blending eye-shadow a dream, the hairs don't shed much at all either. The 4 brush sets that you're provided with are the perfect starter set for anyone wanting to get into eye-shadow, and are even brilliant for those of us who are a bit more experienced as they cover everything from start to finish. Another massive benefit of these brushes (which is a bit of a silly one) is that on each and every ECOTOOLS brush, the name of the brush is inscribed on it (e.g. blending), this is helpful as it helps you to tell similar looking brushes apart and also helps you to keep track of which colours you have on which brush (which prevents you from smearing black eye-shadow all over your inner eyelid...c'mon, we have all been there... right?). Honestly, the largest benefit of these brushes are that they are super cheap, I picked them up for £5.24. That works out to roughly £1.31 per brush. Compared to the Real Techniques set which is £21.99 for 5 brushes, which is consequently £4.39 per brush.
Would I buy them again?
Yes, absolutely, most definitely, 100% yes. I absolutely love the brushes and the wooden handles make me feel really hippie. Haha
I shall post again soon

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