
Thursday 9 July 2015

Strobing vs Contouring (and another apology)

Hey everyone,
So I currently seem to be the absolutely worst blogger in the world... considering I never actually update. But I promise (again) that I am back... And my high quality camera is back so no more bad pictures!
But anyway, today we are going to be discussing strobing and contouring. If you don't know what contouring and strobing is I have done a little graphic below that explains them. But essentially, contouring is the application of darker tones to places you want to recede (the cheekbones and side of nose for example) and highlighter to the areas that you want to glow and the sun would naturally hit (the bridge of the nose, chin, cheeks and t zone), giving a far more chiselled look... So strobing is just contouring... without the contour, basically, the application of highlighter to create a shimmery glow.
All in all I have to agree with all of the people that say that contouring is out and strobing is in.. after all who in these summer months wants to pack on layers and layers of makeup which will only end up melting off and making you look like an extra in the Wizard of Oz. Strobing is a lighter and more effortless way of chiselling your face to perfection. However, I feel that the contouring is far more appropriate for night functions and high fashion looks as it is less shimmery and gives a far more structured and high fashion feel.
Currently I am using the sleek contour kit and I use the highlighter from that to strobe however it may be a little shimmery and not right for everyone's skin tones so I have made a little guide below of high end and drugstore (high street) products and their respective skin tones.

I may end up making a video on strobing and contouring, if you want to see that leave a comment and let me know!
I hope you've enjoyed this post,
- A

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